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System Economics - Critical Parameters


Critical parameters for fair comparisons call for a number of input assumptions. Some of the data may be readily available, some not so available. As many of the following factors as possible should be considered in conducting a proper evaluation:

1. Electric, steam and fuel rate schedules, including demand and energy charges segregated by applicable seasonal or time-of-use criteria and appropriate fuel adjustment charges.

2. Chiller type, size and full load efficiency: for electric chillers consider the kW per ton; for natural gas fueled check the Btu per ton-hour, or the steam pressure at the unit for steam chillers.

3. Consider the size cooling tower required to reject the building's heat plus the work added to do the cooling that ends up in the chiller's condenser.

4. The chiller unit electric auxiliaries: for electric chillers these are included in the kW per ton; for non-electric chillers this kW per ton should include all the solution, refrigerant, jacket water, lube oil or other pumps (as applicable) and the control power.

5. The chiller system electric auxiliaries in kW per ton These include the condenser water pumps and the cooling tower fans plus any added fans or other power use's applicable to one type chiller but not another.

6. The costs (per 1,000 gallons) to acquire makeup water for the cooling tower, to chemically or otherwise treat this water, and to dispose of the tower overflow and the blowdown needed to maintain an acceptable concentration of dissolved solids.

7. The projected annual operating hours of the chiller and the load profile it is designed to serve. For detailed analyses, the chiller's operating schedule including the utility's seasonal and on-peak time definitions must be taken into account. For less detail analyses, the concept of Equivalent Full Load Hours and Integrated Part Load Value can be used.



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