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Water Towers - High kW/ton and/or Inadequate Tonnage


Most chillers operate pretty close to manufacturer's specifications if the condenser and evaporator water temperatures and flow are reasonably close to design conditions. Therefore, these are the first things to check if a chiller is either not delivering expected capacity or using more energy than expected. Since the condenser is often exposed to the elements and thereby subject to fouling and deterioration, this is the first area to check. Common problems here include:

  1. Poor cooling tower performance (including everything from broken fill to poor water distribution over tower fill),


  2. Hydraulic and/or air flow problems (where inadequate water is being sent to active towers, air flow to the tower is restricted, or air leaving the tower is being drawn back into the tower).


  3. Condenser fouling due to improper cooling tower treatment or inadequate filtration.

Most of these problems can be identified simply by observing tower operation.




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